
Select peer-reviewed journal articles:

  1. Koch RW, Elfarnawany M, Zhu N, Ladak HM, Agrawal SK. Evaluation of cochlear duct length using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging, Otology & Neurotlogy, accepted February 23, 2017.
  2. Iyaniwura JE, Elfarnawany M, Riyahi-Alam S, Sharma M, Kassam Z, Bureau Y, Parnes LS, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Intra- and inter-observer variability of cochlear length measurements in clinical CT, Otology & Neurotology, accepted February 23, 2017.
  3. Rohani SA, Ghomashchi S, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Estimation of the Young’s modulus of the human pars tensa using in-situ pressurization and inverse finite-element analysis, Hearing Research, 2017, 345:69-78.
  4. Elfarnawany M, Riyahi-Alam S, Rohani SA, Zhu N, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Micro-CT versus synchrotron radiation phase contrast imaging of human cochlea, Journal of Microscopy, accepted October 30, 2016.
  5. Stepniak C, Wickens B, Husein M, Paradis J, Ladak HM, Fung K, Agrawal SK. Blinded randomized controlled study of a web-based otoscopy simulator in undergraduate medical education. Laryngoscope, 2016; available online.
  6. Huang C, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM, Virtual-reality simulator for training in myringotomy with tube placement. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2016, 36: 214-225.
  7. Rohani SA, Ghomashchi S, Umoh J, Holdsworth DW, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Iodine potassium iodide improves the contrast-to-noise ratio of micro-computed tomography images of the human middle ear. Journal of Microscopy, 2016, 264: 334-338.
  8. Liu J, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM, Wan W. Fiber arrangement in the rat tympanic membrane. The Anatomical Record, 2016, 299: 1531-1539.