Select peer-reviewed journal articles:
- Koch RW, Elfarnawany M, Zhu N, Ladak HM, Agrawal SK. Evaluation of cochlear duct length using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging, Otology & Neurotlogy, accepted February 23, 2017.
- Iyaniwura JE, Elfarnawany M, Riyahi-Alam S, Sharma M, Kassam Z, Bureau Y, Parnes LS, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Intra- and inter-observer variability of cochlear length measurements in clinical CT, Otology & Neurotology, accepted February 23, 2017.
- Rohani SA, Ghomashchi S, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Estimation of the Young’s modulus of the human pars tensa using in-situ pressurization and inverse finite-element analysis, Hearing Research, 2017, 345:69-78.
- Elfarnawany M, Riyahi-Alam S, Rohani SA, Zhu N, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Micro-CT versus synchrotron radiation phase contrast imaging of human cochlea, Journal of Microscopy, accepted October 30, 2016.
- Stepniak C, Wickens B, Husein M, Paradis J, Ladak HM, Fung K, Agrawal SK. Blinded randomized controlled study of a web-based otoscopy simulator in undergraduate medical education. Laryngoscope, 2016; available online.
- Huang C, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM, Virtual-reality simulator for training in myringotomy with tube placement. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2016, 36: 214-225.
- Rohani SA, Ghomashchi S, Umoh J, Holdsworth DW, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM. Iodine potassium iodide improves the contrast-to-noise ratio of micro-computed tomography images of the human middle ear. Journal of Microscopy, 2016, 264: 334-338.
- Liu J, Agrawal SK, Ladak HM, Wan W. Fiber arrangement in the rat tympanic membrane. The Anatomical Record, 2016, 299: 1531-1539.